About Me

Hi there! I’m Cassie Fox. I and my small family, including my young son, live in a tiny apartment in Chicago where I have lived for 15 years. I live a pretty simple, minimalist life.

I am forever an over-the-top, lifelong fan of the X-Files, though I have otherwise not been particularly interested in science fiction. I’m a little crunchy. I cloth diapered, made my son his baby food from scratch, and eat a primarily plant-based diet. I do, however, highly value modern medicine and scientific discoveries.

I have written multiple children’s books, including a middle grade fantasy series, which you can learn more about here. I am currently writing a young adult fantasy series, though it will be quite some time before it is completed and released.

I have loved science and the process of discovery of our world since I was very young. This love of mine was squelched and suffocated for many years as I was raised in an evangelical, Pentecostal church. I was handed an identify long before I understood what an identity even was, and I lived it fully and passionately throughout my adolescence and young adulthood.

I attended Bible college and worked as an ordained minister for five years. But, things change.

In time, after much struggling and agonizing, I came to understand that my beliefs were untrue, and I renounced my faith. The fallout in my personal relationships was extreme. Now, I do not believe in the Christian God or any God. I shared my journey and the damage these extreme religions inflict onto their unsuspecting followers in my book, Black Sheep: My Journey from Evangelical Christianity to Atheism, which you can find on Amazon here.

Today, I speak out, advocating for increased scientific literacy in our society. I share my story and experiences to help people see that dogma and the religions built upon it are not innocent and harmless and should be done away with.

On this website, I will be sharing my thoughts about issues relevant to the influence of dogma and fundamentalist religions on society and individuals. May these writings bring you insight into the evangelical church, and if you are in the beginnings of questioning your faith, I hope that my perspective will bring you information, encouragement, and assurance.

There is so much in this world to discover and enjoy. Let us not limit ourselves to the instructions written by primitive men who believed that the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth.